California SAR & BSA Youth Protection Training
Any SAR member involved with youth programs (I.E., having contact with youth as part of these programs); those members will have to complete the online BSA Youth Protection Training. This training can be accessed online and free. It takes only about 30 minutes to register and complete.
You may find more information about Boy Scouts of America Youth Protection Training at the Website.
Once member(s) have completed the training, they should send a copy of their BSA YPT completion certificate to the Director, Youth Programs CASSAR: Derek Brown.
Middle School Brochure Contest The Middle School Brochure Contest is a contest for 8th Graders. The contest is also open to members of the Children of the American Revolution (CAR) who are in the same grade but whose school system may not be participating in the contest. In the case where the local school system, or its equivalent, is participating, the young person must enter the contest through the school and not as a separate entry. The permanent Brochure Contest theme will be "The Foundational Documents of the United States". These documents include: Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Federalist Papers, and the Bill of Rights. The contest is to create a tri-fold brochure out of an 8½ x 11 piece of paper while following the prescribed guidelines. You may find more information on the Middle School Brochure Contest at the California Society SAR Website.
Chapter Deadline for submissions to the Chairman is February 1st. The Chairman of the Middle School Brochure Contest is Vacant.
Orange County Chapter Middle School Brochure Contest Winner 2017
Click on photo to enlarge
Orange County Chapter Middle School Brochure Contest Winner 2016
Click on photo to enlarge
Spirit of America Award
The Spirit of America Award involves working with officials of a middle school or junior high school district to select and award two young people (one boy, one girl) from the district's graduating class to receive the SAR Bronze Good Citizenship medal and its accompanying certificate at the graduation ceremonies of each selected student's school.