NATIONAL LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Life Membership in the National Society is available to be purchased at a rate that depends on your age. The Life Membership program listed here covers the National dues only. Payment of the State Society's and Chapter annual dues is still required to be considered an active member of the SAR. The completed National Life Membership form must be sent to your State Society Secretary for review before it is sent to National. You may find more information at Membership Costs Life_Membership.Contact California State Society Secretary: Douglas Bergtholdt CASSAR LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP The California Society Life Membership Program is open to California Society members who have a National Life Membership. The California program will pay California Society and Chapter dues for the life of the member. To apply, you must first obtain a National Life Membership at You need to fill out the application and submit it to the National Society. Once you are approved as a National Life Member, you will be given a National Life Membership Number. To apply for the California Life Membership Program, you will need to supply your National Life Membership Number, and make a payment to CASSAR for the CASSAR Life in the Life Membership schedule (on the member-section). You may find more information at members-section life. Contact California State Society Secretary: Douglas Bergtholdt