123rd Congress of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution
Partners in Patriotism Award - Orange County Chapter Liberty Medal Oak Leaf Cluster - Dr. M. Kent Gregory Election of NSSAR Chancellor General - John L. Dodd, Esq.
Election of NSSAR Chaplain General - Reverend Louis V. Carlson, Jr. Roger Sherman Award - John L. Dodd
Robert Burt Boy Scout Leader Award - Donald L. Webb, Jr.
California Society 138th Spring Meeting
| 2012 Best Large Chapter
Best Chapter - Publications
Best Chapter - New Members & Supplementals
Best Chapter - Medals & Certificates
Best Chapter - Chapter Activities
Best Chapter - Community Service
Best Chapter - CASSAR Programs
CASSAR Large Chapter Best Color Guard 2012 - 2013
CASSAR Recognition of Orange County Chapter Color Guard - Massing of the Colors 2013 and Wreaths Across America 2012
Certificates of Appreciation - Dr. M. Kent Gregory (CASSAR Vice President South), Reverend Louis V. Carlson, Jr. (CASSAR Chaplain), James F. Blauer (CASSAR Historian), James C. Fosdyck (CASSAR Color Guard Commander, CASSAR Chief of Protocol, CASSAR ROTC/JROTC Chairman, CASSAR US Navy Sea Cadets Chairman) and Un Hui (tireless support of CASSAR as Official Photographer NSSAR Western District)
Lamplighter Award in recognition for outstanding support of the Center for Advancing America's Heritage - Daniel R. McKelvie and James W. Klingler
Brochure Contest - First Place - Hoa T. Bui
Poster Contest - Honorable Mention
83rd Annual CSSCAR State Conference
| CAR Certificate of Appreciation for the CASSAR Color Guard
November Chapter Meeting
| Meritorious Service Medal, Oak Leaf Cluster - James F. Blauer
California Society, 137th Fall Board of Managers Meeting
| Plaque of Appreciation for 10,000 Eagle Scout Certificates - James F. Blauer
Post Congress Barbecue
| Meritorious Service Medal - James C. Fosdyck
Distinguished Service Medal - Reverend Louis V. Carlson, Jr.
122nd Congress of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution
| Partners in Patriotism Certificate - Orange County Chapter
Executive Committee - John L. Dodd, Esq., Larry J. Magerkurth
Council of State Presidents - John L. Dodd, Esq.
Silver Good Citizenship Medal - John L. Dodd, Esq.
Liberty Medal Oak Leaf Cluster - James F. Blauer
Liberty Medal Two Oak Leaf Cluster - Dr. M. Kent Gregory
Orange County Chapter Barbecue
| NSSAR Bonze Color Guard Medal - Larry R. Wood
Field of Honor streamer - Lee's Legion Color Guard
Garden Grove Strawberry Festival
Participation Plaque - Lee's Legion Color Guard
California Society 137th Spring Meeting
| Vice President South - Dr. M. Kent Gregory
Chaplain - Reverend Louis V. Carlson, Jr.
Historian - James F. Blauer
Gold CASSAR Baron von Steuben Color Guard Medal - James C. Fosdyck
Americanism Elementary School Poster Contest - 2nd Place
CASSAR Brochure Contest - 2nd Place
State Activity Contest - Large Chapter Division
Best Newsletter - 2nd Place
Most Publicity
Most Medals Issued
Most Activities
Most Community Service Events
Most CASSAR Activities
Best Large Chapter
Richard F. Locke Jr. Membership Award - for the Chapter with the largest percentage membership increase
Lee's Legion Color Guard - Best Large Chapter Color Guard 2011 - 2012 streamer and certificate,
Wreaths Across America 2011 streamer,
Massing of the Colors 2012 streamer
Massing of the Colors
Streamer - Lee's Legion Color Guard
Wreaths Across America
| Streamer - Lee's Legion Color Guard
California Society 136th Fall Board of Managers Meeting
| Patriot Medal - James C. Fosdyck Patriot Medal - Dr. M. Kent Gregory NSSAR Silver Color Guard Medal - James C. Fosdyck NSSAR Silver Color Guard Medal - Dr. M. Kent Gregory CASSAR Silver Baron Von Steuben Color Guard Medal - James C. Fosdyck Kings Mountain 231st Anniversary streamer - Lee's Legion Color Guard Point Pleasant Battle Days 237th Anniversary streamer - Lee's Legion Color Guard Sycamore Shoals streamer - Lee's Legion Color Guard
121st Congress of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution
| Certificate of Patriotism for Meritorious Service during World War II - Walter L. Davis James L. Quinnelly Partners in Patriotism Award - Orange County Chapter Liberty Medal - Dr. M. Kent Gregory Election of NSSAR President General - Larry J. Magerkurth NSSAR Executive Committee - John L. Dodd, Esq. Vice President General - Western District - Reverend Louis V. Carlson, Jr.
Garden Grove Strawberry Festival
| Lee's Legion Color Guard - Participation Plaque
California Society 136th Annual Spring Meeting
| Best Mid-Size CASSAR Chapter Colonel Richard F. Locke, Jr. Membership Award Best Chapter Publications Most CASSAR Programs Most Active Community Service Program Largest Number of Chapter Activities Largest Number of Medals and Certificates Most New Members Best Publicity Largest Percentage of Members attending Chapter Meetings Meritorious Service Medal - James F. Blauer Meritorious Service Medal - Dr. Kent Gregory 1st Place - Middle School Brochure Contest - Angela Vo, Corona del Mar Middle School Honorable Mention - Americanism Poster Contest - Jonathan King, Whittman Elementary School, Cerritos Robert E. Burt Boy Scout Volunteer Award - Dr. Kent Gregory Aide-de-camp pins - James C. Fosdyck, Richard E. Adams Certificates of Appreciation to Chapter members for their contributions to hosting the Spring Meeting - Richard E. Adams, Suki Adams, James F. Blauer, Karen Carlson, Reverend Louis V. Carlson, Jr., John L. Dodd, Karen Dodd, James C. Fosdyck, Kent Gregory, Lisa Gregory, Arthur A. Koehler, David R. Siler, Jon Vreeland, James L. Wallace, Larry R. Wood, Un Hui Yi Official Photographer of the SAR Western Region - Un Hui Yi
DAR 103rd State Conference
| Lee's Legion Color Guard - Certificate of Appreciation
Laguna Beach Patriots Day Parade
| Military Color Guard (over Age 21) - 2nd Place Antique Auto Division - 2nd Place
Best Color Guard Award for Mid-size chapter
California Society 135th Board of Managers Meeting
| Silver Major General von Steuben Color Guard Medal - Kent Gregory Daughters of Liberty Medal - Un Hui Yi Silver Good Citizenship Medal - James C. Fosdyck Distinguished Service Certificate (Orange County President) James C. Fosdyck Kings Mountain 230th Anniversary streamer - Lee's Legion Color Guard Point Pleasant Battle Days 236th Anniversary streamer - Lee's Legion Color Guard
Garden Grove Strawberry Festival
| Lee's Legion Color Guard - Participation Plaque
California Society 135th Annual Spring Meeting
| Best Medium Sized CASSAR Chapter Best Website Largest percentage of members attending meetings Most supplemental and youth registrants Highest attendance at the 2009 Congress and Leadership meetings Largest number of chapter activities Chapter publicity Largest number of medals and certificates
NSSAR Silver Color Guard Medal - Jim Blauer
Americanism Poster Contest - Second Place Li Mei Su Vera Witttmann Elementary School
Enhanced JROTC Program Winner - MJROTC Cadet 1st Lieutenant Laura Esquivel
Laguna Beach Patriots Day Parade
| Military Color Guard (over Age 21) - First Place
CASSAR 135th Fall Managers Meeting
| James L. Quinnelly - Patriot Medal Rt. Rev. Louis V. Carlson, Jr. - Meritorious Service Medal Larry J. Magerkurth - Meritorious Service Medal
26th Korean Festival Parade
| Lee's Legion Color Guard - First Place - Adult Color Guard Lee's Legion Color Guard - Flag streamer for being the first American hereditary society color guard in Korean Festival Parade history
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl Cemetery) SAR Memorial Service
| James F. Blauer and James C. Fosdyck - National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Honolulu, Hawaii) Medallion
Garden Grove Strawberry Festival
| Lee' Legion Color Guard - recognition of outstanding participation
119th NSSAR Annual Congress
| Larry J. Magerkurth - Certificate of Appreciation Newly elected National officer from chapter Treasurer General - Larry J. Magerkurth
California Society 134th Annual Spring Meeting
| California Society Best Medium Chapter Statewide Winner-Highest Percentage of Members Attending Statewide Winner-Most Medals and Certificates Statewide Winner-Best in Activites Statewide Winner-Most Congress and Leadership Meetings Statewide Winner-Best Website
Robert E. Burt Boy Scout Volunteer Award - James F. Blauer President's James Lafayette Cogswell Award - Floyd J. Shadwick President James Lafayette Cogswell Award - Larry J. Magerkurth Lee's Legion Color Guard - Streamer for Lee's Legion Flag Poster Contest - Honorable Mention
Newly elected State officers from chapter State President - Reverend Louis V. Carlson, Jr. Vice-President South - John L. Dodd Historian - James F. Blauer State Chairman-Knight Essay Program - David R. Siler State Chairman-Medals and Awards Program - Kent Gregory State Chairman-ROTC/JROTC Program - James C. Fosdyck
Laguna Beach Patriots Day Parade
| Military Color Guard (over Age 21) - 2nd Place
Laguna Beach Patriots Day Parade
| Antique Auto Division - 3rd Place
California Society 133rd Annual Spring Meeting
| Most Medals and Certificates Best Web Site - Tie with Redding Chapter James F. Blauer - Silver Baron Von Steuben Color Guard Medal Second Place - Americanism Elementary School Poster Contest
118th NSSAR Annual Congress
| Larry J. Magerkurth - Minuteman Medal and Silver Congress Appreciation Medal