33rd Massing of the Colors & Salute to Our Armed Forces
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. Lisa Gregory assists magician David Champagne. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. CASSAR President Kent Gregory presents the SAR 2014 Most Active Color Guardsman Oak Leaf Cluster and Certificate to Jim Faulkinbury. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. Orange County Chapter President Jim Klingler presents a George Washington bust to CASSAR President Kent Gregory. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. Lisa Gregory places the SAR State President Medal around the neck of CASSAR President Kent Gregory. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. CASSAR President Kent Gregory gives his acceptance address |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. Past President General Joseph Dooley installs the incoming CASSAR officers. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. 2015 CASSAR Ladies Auxiliary. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. Past President General Joseph Dooley presents the CASSAR Ladies Auxiliary president's gavel to Lisa Gregory. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. Past President General Joseph Dooley installs the CASSAR Ladies Auxiliary officers. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. Dale Ross, Jim Fosdyck and Doug Bergtholdt receive Meritorious Service Medals. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. President General Lindsey Brock presents an aide-de-camp pin to Jim Fosdyck. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. President General Lindsey Brock presents an aide-de-camp pin to Richard Adams.. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. President General Lindsey Brock, Hans Hunt and Hammond Salley. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. Sharon Wood, Linda Salley, Sabrina Hunt, Un Hui Yi and Lidia Klingler |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. CASSAR Color Guard Commander Jim Fosdyck with 2014 CASSAR Best Color Guard Chapters; Kern, General George Patton, Riverside, Orange County and Redwood Empire. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury presents Wreaths Across America streamers. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury presents Massing of the Colors streamers. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury presents the Silver Roger Sherman Medals to Kent Gregory, Steve Renouf, Phil Hinshaw, Jim Blauer and Dave Gillard. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury presents a Silver Good Citizenship Medal to Michael A. Shanahan. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury presents the Daughters of Liberty Medal to Karen Carlson. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. First Lady Billie Brock presents the first SAR Pineapple Hospitality pin to Un Hui Yi. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. First Lady Billie Brock explans the SAR Pineapple Hospitality pin. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. General George Washington addresses the banquet. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. Los Angeles Fife and Drum Corps Matt Noell and Steve Andy. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. Los Angeles Fife and Drum Corps march with the CASSAR Color Guard. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Banquet. CASSAR Color Guard presents the Colors. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Youth Award. CASSAR Eagle Scout Chairman Gary Jensen, Eagle Scout Russell Cecil and his family with CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Public Safety Awards. Orange County Chapter President Jim Klingler, Jon Vreeland, Newport Beach Lifeguards Gary Conwell and George Leaper, Tony, with Pretty Boy, and Patricia Underwood, Avalon Harbor Master Brian Bay, CASSAR Executive Vice President Kent Gregory, Dan McKelvie. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Public Safety Awards. CASSAR President Jim Faullkinbury presents a SAR K9 Heroism Medal to Pretty Boy. With owners Tony and Patricia Underwood and Dan McKelvie. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Public Safety Awards. CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury presents a posthumous SAR Fire Safety Commendation Medal for Avalon Harbor Master Timothy Mitchell to Avalon Harbor Master Brian Bay. With Dan McKelvie. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Public Safety Awards. CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury presents a posthumous SAR Heroism Medal for Newport Beach Lifeguard Ben Carlson to Newport Beach Lifeguards Gary Conwell and George Leaper. With Dan McKelvie. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Public Service Awards Luncheon. CASSAR President Jim Faulinbury presents Certificates of Apprecation to Orange County Chapter members. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Public Service Awards Luncheon. CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury presents the Law Enforcement Commendation Medal to Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchins. With CASSAR Color Guard Commander Jim Fosdyck. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Public Service Awards Luncheon. Seated (left to right) Brian Stephens, Gary Jensen, Mark Kramer, Charlie Gentis, John Ferris standing (left to right) David Beall, Owen Stiles, Gus Fischer. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Public Service Awards Luncheon. Seated (left to right) Dan and Karen McKelvie, Larry and Sharon Wood, standing (left to right) Dan Henry, Jim Klingler, Jim Blauer. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Public Service Awards Luncheon. Orange County Chapter Chaplain Richard Adams and Un Hui Yi. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Public Service Awards Luncheon. Billie and President General Lindsey Brock and Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchins. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. CASSAR Officers Dinner. James Beatty, Un Hui Yi, Elisabeth Stum, Phil and Mary Hinshaw. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. CASSAR Officers Dinner. CASSAR Excecutive Vice President Kent Gregory addresses the guests. With Lisa Gregory and David Gillard. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Registration Desk. Gus Fischer, John Ferris and Dan McKelvie. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Memorial Service. President General Lindsey Brock congratulates compatriot Doug Bergtholdt and members of the CASSAR Honor Guard. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Memorial Service. President General Lindsey Brock congratulates Orange County Chapter Chaplain Richard Adams and CASSAR Color Guard Commander Jim Fosdyck. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Memorial Service. Bell ringer Orange County Chapter compatriot Larry Wood. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Memorial Service. CASSAR Color Guard Commander Jim Fosdyck briefs Honor Guard. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Riverside Chapter compatriot Roger Cooper explaining musket firing liability insurance. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. (Left to Right) Karl Jacobs, Chancellor General John Dodd, Past President General Joseph Dooley, Phil Hinshaw, CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury and Doug Bergtholdt. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. CASSAR Color Guard and Past President General Joseph Dooley. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Past President General Larry Magerkurth and Orange County Chapter President James Klingler. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. (Left to Right) CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury, Past President General Jospeh Dooley, Un Hui Yi, Karen Faulkinbury, President General Lindsey and Billie Brock. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. President General Lindsey and Billie Brock. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. Back row (left to right) Past President General Joseph Dooley, CASSAR Executive Vice President Kent Gregory, CASSAR Vice President South Jim Fosdyck, Richard Adams, Front Row (left to right) Un Hui, Karen Faulkinbury, Billie Brock, President General Lindsey Brock, CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury. |
140th Annual Spring Meeting. President General Lindsey and Billie Brock arrive at John Wayne Airport. Chauffeur Richard Adams and his 1997 Bentley. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klinger presents a SAR Law Enforcement Certificate and Medal to Hans Hunt. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klingler present a Bronze Good Citizenship Certificate and Medal to Mike Shanahan. |
Chapter Meeting. New members, Russell Cable, Richard Cable, Russell Cable with President Jim Klinger and sponsor Jim Fosdyck. |
Chapter Meeting. New Member Archie McKelvie, Dan McKelvie and President Jim Klingler. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klingler and Veterans Affairs Chairman Dan Henry present a Wounded Warrior certificate and coin to USMC Corporal Paul Median. |
Chapter Meeting. Barbara Winkler presents a Quilt of Valor to USMC Corporal Paul Median with President Jim Klingler and Veterans Affairs Chairman Dan Henry. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klingler presents a SAR Supplemental Certificate to Larry Wood for the patritotic service of Henry Gleason. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klingler presents a SAR Military Service Veterans Corps Certificate to Jim Fosdyck. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klingler presents a SAR Supplemental Certificate to Jim Fosdyck for the patriotic service of Luke Robinson. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klingler presents a SAR Supplemental Certificate to Gus Fischer for the patriotic service of Michael Rider, Sr.. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klingler presents a SAR Supplmental Certificate to John Ferris for the partriotic service of Benjamin Wheeler. |
Chapter Meeting. Vice President John Ferris and President Jim Klingler present a Certificate of Appreciation to guest speaker Herb Williams-Dalgart. |
Chapter Meeting. Vice President John Ferris introduces guest speaker Herb Williams-Dalgart. |
Flag Certificate Chairman Hans Hunt (right) awards the Flag Certificate to the Ron Drenk family of Upland. |
Spring Leadership Meeting. NSSAR Color Guard Commander Mike Radcliff, Un Hui Yi and NSSAR Treasurer General Mike Tomme. |
Spring Leadership Meeting. NSSAR Color Guard advancing the Colors. |
Spring Leadership Meeting. Jim Fosdyck, Gary Jensen, John Dodd, Derek Brown, Jim Faulkinbury, David Gilliard, Ray Raser, Kent Gregory and Tom Adams. |
Spring Leadership Meeting. Gary Jensen, Ray Raser, CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury, NSSAR Chancellor General John Dodd, Stephen Renouf, Sam Powell, CASSAR Executive Vice President Kent Gregory and CASSAR Color Guard Commander Jim Fosdyck. |
Spring Leadership Meeting. CASSAR assembly. |
C.S.S.C.A.R. State Conference. DAR California State Regent Carol Oakley Jackson, CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury and Mrs. Karen Faulkinbury with the CASSAR Color Guard. |
C.S.S.C.A.R. State Conference. CASSAR President Jim Fulkinbury presents a $500.00 donation to CSSCAR State President Mega Shevelson with CSSCAR Senior State President Holly Stover. |
C.S.S.C.A.R. State Conference. CASSAR President Jim Faulkinbury presents a SAR Silver Medal of Appreciation to CSSCAR State President Mega Shevelson with CSSCAR Senior State President Holly Stover. |
C.S.S.C.A.R. State Conference. General George Washington answering a question from a CAR member. |
C.S.S.C.A.R. State Conference. CASSAR Color Guard presents the Colors. |
DAR Mojave Chapter 90th Anniversary Celebration. General George Washington and Lee's Legion Color Guard. |
DAR Mojave Chapter 90th Anniversary Celebration. General George Washington addressing the Mojave Chapter members. |
DAR Mojave Chapter 90th Anniversary Celebration. Lee's Legion Color Guard posts the Colors. |
Massing of the Colors. CASSAR Color Guard and Los Angeles Fife & Drum Corps. |
Massing of the Colors. Los Angeles Fife & Drum Corps and CASSAR Color Guard. |
Massing of the Colors. CASSAR Chaplain Louis V. Carlson, Jr. |
Massing of the Colors. Lee's Legion Color Guard (left to right John Ferris, Dan McKelvie, Dan Henry). |
Massing of the Colors. Los Angeles Fife & Drum Corps and CASSAR Color Guard on line for the Massing of the Colors parade. |
Massing of the Colors. Jim Blauer sings the National Anthem. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klingler inducts Don Coker into the Sons of the American Revolution. |
Chapter Meeting. Jim Klingler and Jim Blauer contribute a check and fabric to Barbara Winkler for the Quilts of Valor. |
Chapter Meeting. Barbara Winkler presents a Quilt of Valor to Pearl Harbor survivor Odeus W. "Bob" Bankston. With President Jim Klingler and Veterans Affairs Chairman Dan Henry. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klinger and Veterans Affairs Chairman Dan Henry present a Wounded Warrior Coin and Certificate to Pearl Harbor survivor Odeus W. "Bob" Bankston. |
Chapter Meeting. Compatriot John Dodd receives a CASSAR bronze Baron von Steuben Color Guard Medal. With President Jim Klingler and Color Guard Commander Jim Fosdyck. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klinger presents a Certificate of Appreciation to guest speaker Compatriot James Townsend. |
Chapter Meeting. President Jim Klingler and Eagle Scout Chairman Jim Blauer present an Eagle Scout lapel pin to compatriot David Beall. |
Chapter Meeting. Eagle Scout Russell Cecil's Mother pins on his SAR Eagle Scout Medal. |
Chapter Meeting. Eagle Scout Contest winner Russell Cecil reads his winning essay. |
Chapter Meeting. General George Washington addresses the chapter. |
Chapter Meeting. LA Fife & Drum Corps fifer Matthew Noell. |
Chapter Meeting. Lee's Legion Color Guard (left to right Dan Henry, Commander Jim Fosdyck, Dan McKelvie). |
Chapter Meeting. Compatriot Hans Hunt and his wife recite the Pledge of Allegiance. |
Chapter Meeting. Chaplain Richard Adams gives the invocation. With Chapter President Jim Klingler. |